Mission Support
Mission is so important within the local church, because as Christians we are commanded by God to share the gospel. The LORD JESUS said "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel" Mark 16:15. God calls different people to do this, we call them missionaries. In many ways we are all missionaries in our own lives but some are called to send their whole lives serving God in other places.
As a local Church we help support the following missions:
Caley's (New Tribes Mission)
Allan and Mandy Caley went to West Africa in 1988 to live among the Palake people. Firstly, they had to learn an unwritten languge and eventually write it down with help (translator) before translating parts of the Bible for chronological teaching. Thanks
In 2000, along with two other missionary couples they were finally able to present the gospel in the Palaka language to the people. The next two years were spent teaching fifty believers approximately before war broke out.
The Caley's with their three children had to leave in 2003 and serve with NTM in Florida before being transferred to NTM, North Cotes, Lincs in 2008. Amazingly, the church grew to 200 believers, now 250+.
Many books of the Bible have now been translated and by January 2020 the whole of the New Testament was completed. The language team; Johnsons in Sefonaike and Caley's have facilitated this. In addition the Caley’s are involved with Missionary Orientation.
The Palaka people continue to be thrilled to receive God’s word in their own language and were able to build a church with the help of two UK teams (completed end of May 17) and go out to neighbouring villages to preach the Gospel.
Morning Star Children's Centre South Africa
The mission was born January 2000, established by Joan Adams, out of a deep Christian compassion for the plight of this nation as the HIV/AIDS pandemic escalated! Initially 8 children were admitted in January 2000, and today 140 children are cared for daily, with a further 600+ on the register, who attend schools in the surrounding townships. The children are clothed, school uniforms provided, 2 meals given daily, also their guardians/grandmothers are helped with food parcels/clothing. Most mothers have died with Aids. Although the primary school children have Aids, they thrive because of good food, and a loving Christian environment.
Roger Carswell
Roger has been an evangelist for approximately 34 years and he has travelled to many countries including India, USA, Isreal, Spain, Switzerland, Holland, as well as most parts of the UK.
Now, Roger mainly travels in the UK, sharing the Gospel in colleges, universities and schools. He also preaches at missions organized by various churches. In addition he has a writing ministry and has produced a number of books and tracts.
He is married with four grown up children, all serving the Lord.
Open Doors
This is an international ministry serving persecuted christians and churches worldwide.
Open Doors supplies Bibles and has distributed over 2.5 million Bibles and christian books during 2017. In addition they have helped over 850,000 persected christians with emergency relief, community development, education and medical care.
Also, they have trained over 500,000 persecuted cristians through leadership and discipleship courses, truama care training and persecuted survival seminars.
Open Doors also mobilises the church in the UK and Ireland to serve christians living under religious persecution.
If you would like to know more about any of these people or would like to know how you could help support them both in prayer and financially please contact the church.